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Sunday, 24 October 2010

Diamonds And Dogs

Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, and a dog is a man's best friend (men really got the cheap end of the deal on that one) but gold seems to be an investors' best friend. Since people realised that the financial economy is run by risk-taking bankers who realised that if their risks don't pay off they can just turn to the government and get bailed out, they have started to worry about leaving their wealth in the hands of such people.

It's like when you sign up for an on-line casino and you get some free credit to play with. You don't mind what you gamble on because you know it's not your money you're playing with. Same thing with the bankers. They gamble with money that is not theirs with no risk of them having to pay for a bad bet, so they take big risks.

But if you buy gold and have your wealth stored in a real, solid and tangible way you are not at the whim of a gambler.

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